Monday, August 14, 2006

Lakshya - a goal

-- an old post from my old blog --
What do you want to do when you wake up every morning? Is there an overriding aim in your life that you strive towards every day .. one that governs your priorities and your actions? Or are you just going through life based on short-term choices, peer pressure and base desires?
You want your life to mean something. Like any journey, life has a final destination. It is NOT just something you have to get through. If you think that, you might as well kill yourself right now. Don't live for others, because chances are they living for you, and there's not much going on there.
CHOOSE to set aside time to decide where you want to be. Be the pilot driver owner of your life .. there's no other way to live through it meaningfully. Let your aim decide your choices your associations your relationships your MORALS. To quote from Serenity, "I don't care what you believe, just believe"


... said...

gosh, I would have never known you could come up with such deep ramblings - loved the previous post especially

... said...

bhai, write something... SOON!