We reached the
indian ocean concert venue - a club by the name of Neumos - at 7 sharp. Of course, things were running on IST, which meant things started happening around 7:45. Brief intro by
CRY spokesperson, and things were rolling!
The setlist included the favorites - Jhini, bol wievel, maa reva, hille re, leaving home, kandisa - and some not-so-well-known - bhor, kaun, bandheh. The concert finished off with Kandisa and - on encore - Kaun. Extremely high-energy, with each song taking more than double the time, with improvs and tukbandis. Amazingly wild .. and I was with a group of people right at the moshpit.
Funny thing .. a couple came up into the small space between me and another group in front of us in between songs. I told them straight-up - "i must warn you guys, this is a high-energy area, with lots of flailing arms and legs". They thought I was giving them attitude (i was not), and the girl went "oh, i'm scared. don't i look scared?". Well, they were out of there in a rush before the first song reached its improv section. dumbasses.
The music stopped at 11:30, and we were drained babay! I thought that was the end of that, but ....
After the concert, I mill around and get my photo taken with the band and all the CRY volunteers - by virtue of my roomie being one, nothing more :). I thought THAT was the end of that, but ....
So I head out with friends for a late - 1am - dinner at Denny's, and get home by 1:30, all set to sleep in preparation for the next day's RHCP thing. As luck would have it, I was listening to some dream theater, and decided to let the album finish in the car before getting out and heading into the house. At about 2 I step out to see a cavalcade of cars entering my aptment complex, one of them playing an Indian ocean song. Now I knew these guys were staying at a CRY volunteer's place in my complex, but to meet them as i'm about to get OUT of the streets ... pure luck! And I thought that REALLY was the end of that, but ....
My roomie was there along with 10-15 other CRYers, and i tagged along with him to help these guys unload their stuff and take it up to the aptment. So we're hanging out discussing first music, then global politics, then indian politics and the reservation/caste system - and all the while Rahul, Susmit, Amit and Asheem are downing rum like coke and keeping a straight face about it.
Rahul (bass, vocals) in particular is incredibly animated and vocal about his views, with very intelligent observations. His energy is absolutely infectious, and seems almost limitless. Amit (percussion, other instruments) is very laid-back and gives a fresh-out-of-college impression of himself. I didn't interact a lot with Susmit (lead guitar) 'cause he had a lunch appointment today and had to sleep early (early??), but we talked about how the best virtuosos in guitar don't jump around the stage, but stand in place and concentrate on the layerings. So friggin true - even kirk hammet who runs around when burning the guitar stands still when playing compositions. I felt stupid not realizing this earlier. Asheem is quieter than the rest, but has a great style of speaking.
This went on for an hour or so, and that I thought was the end of that, BUT ....
Out comes Elvis with his guitar. Heh, that's the name of one of the CRYer with whom these guys were staying (the other - Venkat, who graciously photographed some of the goings-on). He's a musician in his own right, with a sound recording system and mixer ensemble hooked up in his room. He takes out his acoustic, and starts off with December right? And I jump in (thank you 40Hz) and take the song to the finishing line. All this time we have these IO dudes watching us. We go into Black by PJ, and a couple other songs like Smells like teen spirit and Hotel C. We start on Wonderwall and Amit jumps in singin with us all, and when Knockin' on heaven's door comes on, Rahul jumps in towards the end. Now Rahul, Elvis and Amit are in tukbandi mode - Rahul heavily adapting the chorus first in a Jamaican accent, then a southie and then a bengali accent, with Amit playing on the tabletop and then on Elvis's guitar body, and Elvis just trying to keep up with the improvs and the varying pace and doing a great job of it. Then we do a completely weird song made on the spot by Rahul with us giving supporting vocals whereever we can figure out what's the current theme - and Elvis is still going at it! We break off around 6am, and I thought that was the end of that, BUT BUT BUT ...
Amit and Asheem tell me after this is all over that I'm a good singer, and that I have a very nice voice - Asheem asks me if i've had professional training! I'm flooooooooorrred! Where are these guys getting this from?? Asheem telling me I sing well is like .. u know what im saying supi :).
And THAT was really the end of that, so is THIS this end of this.
Sleeptime -
RHCP await.